Dr. Alberto Pagán starts his clinical test with Binary Premium technology
Dr. Alberto Pagán, general surgeon, expert in obesity surgery and CINIB Clinic manager, begins his clinical trial with a group of obese patients applying the combined protocol of diathermy 448kHz + electro-remodeling. The objective is to scientifically document...
CINIB bets on Binary System in its overweight and obesity treatments
CINIB, the Balearic Islands Integral Nutrition Center, led by Dr. Alberto Pagán, is committed to the Binary system to complement overweight and obesity treatments. CINIB is a pioneer center in obesity treatments and they have opted for Binary since, thanks to the...
Dyspareunia, a silent pathology suffered by 20% of women with breast cancer
Today, World Breast Cancer Day, La Vanguardia echoes the study carried out by our physiotherapist Anna Abelló in which it detects that 20% of women who suffer from the disease are silent about the discomfort they suffer. The first step is to share it and the second to...
Ana Abello and Binary: clinical trial against dispaurenia
RÖS’S supports the research of the pelvic floor treatment specialist Anna Abello with the aim of improving the quality of life of patients with dypaurenia problems thanks to Binary technology. We celebrate the excellent conclusions of her clinical trial. READ THE FULL...
Collaboration RÖS’S and Meler Clínic
RÖS’S signed a partnership agreement with Meler Clínic in Barcelona to study the positive effects of Binary technology on strengthening the immune system. READ THE FULL ARTICLE >
Binary, Best Seller in the 2020 Appliance Guide
The journal Nueva Estética chooses Binary equipment as Best Seller of 2020. READ THE FULL ARTICLE >
Polish Clinic La Perla presents Binary on television
The prestigious La Perla clinic, headed by the director Kalina Ben Sira, presents on Polish television its commitment to the Binary system as a technological innovation of 2020. SEE PRESENTATION VIDEO >
VIDANTA México incorporates Binary in its luxury SPAs
Grupo Vidanta, one of the largest resort groups in Mexico, places its trust in Binary for its luxury spas.
Binary technology on Peruvian television
The prestigious Dr. Brenda Huamani presents Binary technology with Dr. Tomás Borda on the programme SegundaOpinión on Peruvian television. PRESENTATION VIDEO https://www.facebook.com/rossesteticaperu/videos/969620213209400/
Consuelo Silveira incorporates Binary System in aesthetic professional training
Consuelo Silveira, a unique benchmark in training future aesthetic professionals covering national and international students, incorporates the Binary System as a technology for training its new intake. READ THE FULL ARTICLE >